There are many non-profit organizations that provide recycled computers to children in need. One example is the "Computers for Kids" program based in Charlottesville, Virginia. The organization collects used computers from individuals and businesses, refurbishes them and then donates them to families and schools throughout the region. Their mission is to bridge the digital divide and offer every child the opportunity to excel academically and become technologically literate citizens. The program is particularly focused on helping children from low-income families who might not otherwise have access to technology at home or at school.

These kinds of initiatives have far-reaching benefits for children, families, and communities. By providing refurbished computers to children, these programs are ensuring that they have access to educational resources and are not left behind in the digital age. They are also creating opportunities for families to improve their economic status as children who are proficient at using technology are more likely to succeed academically and professionally. Moreover, these programs help reduce the impact of electronic waste and encourage sustainable and responsible use of resources.

One non profit program that aims to feed the homeless is the 'Meals on Wheels' program. This program is typically run by volunteers who prepare and deliver meals to the homeless or elderly people who are unable to leave their homes. It not only provides nutritious meals to those in need, but also serves as a means of socialization and companionship for many recipients who may not have much interaction with others. Meals on Wheels is often funded by donations from individuals and organizations who believe in the importance of feeding vulnerable populations.

Another nonprofit program that focuses on feeding the homeless is the 'Soup Kitchen' program. These programs typically provide hot meals to those in need at designated locations such as community centers or places of worship. Soup Kitchens often rely on donations of food and volunteers to provide meals to those in need. This program not only provides meals to the homeless but also creates a community between volunteers and recipients. Soup Kitchens have been pivotal in the fight against hunger throughout the world and their impact is far-reaching.